Gold Creditcards

Sunday, April 1, 2007

First Credit Card

Today I took little time to know from where this small piece of plastic comes and changed our life for ever!

In modern days I see it was first invented in 1946 by John Biggins who used to work with "Flatbush National Bank of Brooklyn" NY. (is it still a bank in operation?? Not sure But a quick look at bank history records suggest this bank change its name few times and you can say its now days JPMorgan Chase Bank Or JPMorgan Chase manhattan Bank)

Diners Club were the next in linme to issue a proper credit card in USA.(1950)
VISA was first issued in 1958 (Not named as VISA but as BankAmericard) by Bank of America.

But I feel this may not be correct,did any one of us tried to look at old historical records of old states and empires for similar use of now days Credit cards?



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