Gold Creditcards

Thursday, March 29, 2007

'you can quick money' - Is not Really True

Next Time you see 'you can do quick money' or something like that on Phone ,do not believe it.
Ask the caller why he is doing a day job himself/herself when he/she can also do the same!

In past 1 month I have received several phone calls where caller first question will be "Sir This phone number is at a residence Or at a office".Of course I asked caller why its his business to know that and he give up.But I doubt my parents may have given him required info if they pick up the phone.

It has been widely reported that GET-rich schemes are spreading over by phone calls these day.Another possible problem now days is identity theft where some one pickpocket your wallet (Purse).People normally will block their Credit cards but thief may already have your Driving license and other govt. ID cards which can be used to purchase other credit cards.

also remember you have to fight your case in court or in appropriate forum if this happen to you and you have to pay huge lawyer fees to protect you from those fees.

In next few posts I will try to explain what you can do to protect yourself from these problems.
I will try to make my posts general so they will be applied across borders.

Feel free to make a comment here if you have something to share.



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