Gold Creditcards

Thursday, August 2, 2007

How to get a student card?

Is it possible for me to get a student credit card for zero credit, i just have some bills of the hospital, which are not a prepaid?

You really have a poor credit. Ask the hospital authority, they can give you some discount on the unpaid bills. They also offers large discounts to the insurers. If you promise them to pay the bills in time then they can help you. But if you want a student card with no credit history and unpaid bills then you can apply for the unsecured credit card. But you can apply for the secured one if you have some cash in your account. They will give you a card against some asset like a car or anything else. You should go to the credit union bank or any other small community bank.

Some banks offer bad/no credit unsecured credit card or merchant card for no security deposit. You can do this by applying online but remember to read the fine print first.


What is the best and easiest way for applying for my first credit card? Is it necessary to have an account in a bank for along time before applying for a credit card? Can i go with the credit union bank or any other which i don't use?

At first, you must have a bank account before applying for a first credit card. Then if you have bad credit or no credit history, bank will offer you credit card for high interest rates as compared to the normal one. By doing this they will give you the chance of building your credit history. You will be able to apply for the best credit cards when you had done all the payments on time and create a good credit score.

You can find online a list of credit card companies which offer you the credit card with low APR and high interest rate with some reward program. But don't be confuse by seeing all these. Firstly, read the fine print carefully and then go with the company which suits your conditions and which is trustworthy. Best of Luck!

I suggest you to visit the credit card company which offer online application of the credit card products and also give all the information about your credit card and offers you the best. Some of the credit card companies like chase first, smartecredit and more..

Some credit card companies offers reward program for regular users of credit card. They will give you a mile for every $2 spent by your own credit card. When you collects 25000 miles annually then they will be redeem for their partner airlines, or hotels accommodation, or car rental, and also travel accident insurance, internet services. But you have to suffer lowest APR for cash, nearly about 20%.


Does credit cards or debit cards that can be bought at any store like a gift card used anywhere? I had bought one card at $55. Will it help me to purchase through internet?

Ya sure, if your credit card or debit card has a logo of visa or master card or American express, then you can buy things anywhere also on purchase through internet, depending on that the company accepts what type of card. Hope it will help you.

Yah, i thought it may work everywhere also on the purchase by internet.